Quincy ashton-baker

My name is Quincy Baker and I am an electrical apprentice for the IBEW Local 48. I was living my best life when out of nowhere, everything came crashing down in an instant after being hit by an Amazon van.

In addition to totaling my car, I have been living in excruciating pain, having to navigate all my medical appointments and therapy, and dealing with the rigmaroles of insurance. I went from a vibrant, active lifestyle to barely being able to function. The mental stress of this thing I have no control over is super frustrating and coming at me non-stop, and I never face a day without some sort of pain.

So when my landlord began asking me when I was going to be able to pay my rent, I really didn’t know what I was going to do. Most of my bills were piling up as insurance operates at a snail’s pace, and my situation was more growing dire by the minute.

Thankfully, I am active with my training center and they put me in touch with a local non-profit called Labor’s Community Service Agency, who assists apprentices in hardship. This agency helped me get stable and took a lot of stress off of my shoulders.

Since getting assistance from LCSA, I really feel blessed and hopeful for the future. I feel like there is now a plan in place that can prop me up until things get on track, and that everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to.

This program was in place at such a crucial time in my life and has been a tremendous blessing. It kept me stable while I was facing a hardship and in turn, it’s helping me be able to complete my apprenticeship. Words can’t describe my appreciation.

Thank you Labor’s Community for all you do!